Friday, 3 August 2012

Sherwood Forest, a Tit and an Eagle

Having lived in Nottinghamshire most of my life I've often heard of Sherwood Forest but never taken the chance to visit the park until today. The actual forest covers historic landscapes over 181sq. miles from Worksop to Nottingham.

it was quite late in the day so not as many birds as i hoped to find but coal tits, blue tits and robins sited with nightjar and owls in the area.

one rather large bird was present a golden eagle!

it was however one of the attractions and not flying around the forest as it may of done jurying robin hoods time! fantastic bird huge.

Hints -

- Captive animals are as you might expect a lot easier to photograph then there wild counterparts and if photographed right can be made to lok natural.

- Forests can be very dark so remember to compensate with flash or aiming for a higher shutter speed.

- Get there early if you want a greater number and variety of birds by mid day most of them had fed and left.

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